Faren Multipurpose Descaler 500ml
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Faren Multipurpose Descaler 500ml

Faren Multipurpose Descaler 500ml
Faren Multipurpose Descaler 500ml
Faren Multipurpose Descaler 500ml
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Remove the stubborn mineral build up in your spaces with the Faren Descaler. Hard water areas often cause a limescale to build up over time, not an appealing look and reduces the functionality of your products. That includes showers, taps and valves. A leaky tap may just mean you need to descale the valves.
- Suitable for appliances including kettles or irons etc
- Clears limescale build up in your bathroom and kitchen taps
- Ideal for leaks in your showers and taps by descaling the cartridges
- 500ml bottle

Recommended use and directions on bottle

Available as a box quantity - please contact us for discounts and further information

Our Price

Quick Reference: 9929

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