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Sealants | Silicones | Adhesives

High-performance premium trade products from HB42 are ones to rely on. Established in 1850, these products use only the highest quality materials to offer reliable service. All products meet the exacting standards of the construction industry in performance, health and safety, strength. HB42 have undergone extensive market research into the latest technologies to make their products premium.




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HB42 'Super Grab' Ultimate Adhesive HB42GRAB

HB42 'Super Grab' Ultimate Adhesive HB42GRAB

Based on instant grab technology, the HB42 'Super Grab' Ultimate Adhesive will bond in the wet and adhere to many surfaces, including glass, enamel, coated metals, Perspex and PVCu. Use an all purpose, complete fixing solution exclusively crafted for any project - fixing large panels or bonding brick slips, the



HB42 PS1 Primer-Sealer Stain Block 5L HB42PS15

HB42 PS1 Primer-Sealer Stain Block 5L HB42PS15

New to the market, the HB42 PS1 Primer-Sealer Stain Block is a premium shellac used for permanent stain blocking. Showcasing top performance, this stain blocker gives a white, matt finish to block odours including mould, smoke and nicotine. Sealing in stains and even suitable on porous surfaces for better topcoat



HB42 Ultimate 'All-in-One' Sealant and Adhesive

HB42 Ultimate 'All-in-One' Sealant and Adhesive

The 'All-in-one' HB42 Ultimate Sealant and Adhesive is based on advanced hybrid polymer technology providing both excellent strength and adhesion. Designed to meet the toughest demands of the construction and building industry, this sealant boasts an outstanding performance both outdoors and inside. It Seals, Sticks and Fills. Being odourless, anti


HB42 Ultimate Liquid Waterproofer 6kg Black/Grey HB42UWB6/G6

HB42 Ultimate Liquid Waterproofer 6kg Black/Grey HB42UWB6/G6

Specifically, this Liquid Waterproofer uses MS hybrid polymer technology to create the perfect waterproof anti-slip membrane, with immediate waterproof effects! This versatile product can be used to repair roofs, around chimneys, roof domes and gutter sealing and can also be applied to prevent the rotting of wood and corrosion of



HB42 Ultimate Silicone

HB42 Ultimate Silicone

Ideal for Bathrooms and Wet Rooms, the HB42 Ultimate Silicone is a no brainer to buy. Not only is a high gloss finish achieved, it holds premium quality - completing your project with ample professionalism. Mould resistant and for use on natural stone, HB42 have the consumer's interests at the



HB42 Ultimate Solvent Cleaner 500ml Aerosol HB42SC

HB42 Ultimate Solvent Cleaner 500ml Aerosol HB42SC

High-performance premium trade products from HB42 are the ones to rely on. Having undergone extensive market research into the latest technologies to make their products premium and only using the highest-quality materials, the products are sure to offer reliable service. All products also meet the exacting standards of the construction




All prices on our website include V.A.T. (20%), unless stated otherwise.

Company registration number 04385962 registered office is Unit 1 33 Parker Drive, Leicester, LE4 0JP | Email: sales@bakerandsoars.com

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