HB42 PS1 Primer-Sealer Stain Block 5L HB42PS15
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HB42 PS1 Primer-Sealer Stain Block 5L HB42PS15

HB42 PS1 Primer-Sealer Stain Block 5L HB42PS15
HB42 PS1 Primer-Sealer Stain Block 5L HB42PS15
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HB42 PS1 Primer-Sealer Stain Block 5L HB42PS15 Product View 2
Technical and Fitting Information





New to the market, the HB42 PS1 Primer-Sealer Stain Block is a premium shellac used for permanent stain blocking. Showcasing top performance, this stain blocker gives a white, matt finish to block odours including mould, smoke and nicotine. Sealing in stains and even suitable on porous surfaces for better topcoat coverage, this shellac stain block is a must have!
- 5L tin: covers approximately 64m2
- Cover in one coat
- Blocks stains and odours
- Dries in 15 minutes
- Recoat in 45 minutes
- White and tintable
- Paint onto any surface
- No sanding required
- Coat with any paint
- Suitable for water-based and oil paints
- Ideal for use on all interior woodwork and plaster as well as glossy/hard to paint surfaces including tiles, varnish or gloss paints.
- Seals in stains from grease, water, smoke, wood knotting and sap residue, crayon, ink, lipstick, rust and more!
- Available in four different sizes: 500ml, 1L, 2.5L and 5L

Further information stated below

Our Price

Quick Reference: 9607


Ensure the surface you are going to prime is clean, dry and free from dust, dirt and excessive oil, grease, wax, wallpaper adhesive or loose and flaky paint that may interfere with application. Can be used on previously painted glossy surfaces, if they are smooth, and have been cleaned down.

Wash surface with an appropriate cleaning solution. Remove any loose coatings and sand any remaining edges to smooth the surface. Lightly sand wood to remove any loose wood fibres. Try to remove existing stains as much as possible. Countersink exposed nail heads and fill any nail holes to smooth the surface.

Remove mould and mildew before painting with a mould and mildew cleaner and rinse well. Always ensure surface is dry before applying PS1 , it will not work if moisture is trapped into the surface prior to overcoating with a topcoat. Always wear protective clothing and mask to prevent eye and skin contact. Special precautions should be taken during the surface preparation of pre 1960's paint surfaces over wood and metal as they may contain harmful lead. When dry-sanding avoid dust inhalation by wearing a suitable protective mask.


Apply PS1 when air and surface temperature is between -18º and 32ºC and relative humidity is less than 70%. Substrate moisture content should not exceed 12%. Shake or stir well before applying by brush, roller or spray. If needed, use Methylated spirits to thin. Eliminate all sources of ignition. Only one coat is necessary to prime most surfaces. Keep container closed and store upright when not in use. Can be overcoated with all paints.

Clean Up:

Clean application tools with Methylated spirit, allowing your wet brushes and rollers to soak for 5-10 minutes. For tools that have dried, soak overnight in Methylated spirit. Spillages or paint drips should be cleaned up immediately using Methylated spirit.

Drying time:

PS1 is touch dry in 15 minutes, recoat after 45 minutes if required. Allow 45 minutes before overcoating with paint. Adhesion cure 3 days.


12.5m2 per litres. Approximately 32m2 per 2.5L can.

500ml: HB42PS1500

1L: HB42PS11

2.5L: HB42PS125

5L: HB42PS15


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All prices on our website include V.A.T. (20%), unless stated otherwise.

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