Faren F200 Descaler for WC Cisterns
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Faren F200 Descaler for WC Cisterns

Faren F200 Descaler for WC Cisterns
Faren F200 Descaler for WC Cisterns
Faren F200 Descaler for WC Cisterns
Faren F200 Descaler for WC Cisterns Product View 2
48 hour delivery available on this item

Living in a hard water area? The F200 WC Cistern Descaler is the ultimate solution. Clean your toilet cistern quickly and efficiently with this acidic descaler.
- 1 litre bottle
- Works in less than fifteen minutes
- Quick, safe and effective
- Made in Italy
- Ingredients regulation CE 648/2004

Please wear protective gloves and eye protection while using this product

Our Price

Quick Reference: 10000

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