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Delta Dore Tybox 237 Wireless Programmable Thermostat

Delta Dore Tybox 237 Wireless Programmable Thermostat
Delta Dore Tybox 237 Wireless Programmable Thermostat
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Delta Dore Tybox 237 Wireless Programmable Thermostat Product View 2

This Tybox 237 Wireless Programmable Thermostat by Delta Dore has a modern, simplistic design and has the control for boilers and non reversible heat pumps.5 Year guarantee.
Optional Tydom 1.0 internet gateway to control your thermostat from your phone!

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Product Attributes


Quick Reference: 3457

Easy to install:

- Switch configuration of the programming mode:

- weekly customisable on a day-by-day basis

- daily customisable (5 days + 2 days)

- Annual display of maintenance service information for the boiler or heat pump

- Set-point ranges can be locked

- Calibration of the temperature sensor

Technical features:

- Kit contains: 1 thermostat & 1 receiver

- Comes supplied with 2 AAA batteries

- Receiver power supply: 230V

- Dry contact output: 5A

- Length of the receiver cable: 2 metres

- Control range from 5 to 30 degrees celsius

- Setting of the control time base (15min / 30min / 45min / 1hour)

Simple to use:

- Setting of 6 different temperature settings per day

- Precision programming through the choice of programming increments: 1h / 1/2h / 1/4h

- Large backlit digital screen

- Automatic Summer / Winter time change

- Holiday program with built-in calender

- Specific program for exceptional presence at home (e.g. days off, bank holidays)

- Hourly display of the boiler operating time (excluding DHW)

- Indication of the room temperature


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