This Kermi Bagnotherm Straight Designer Radiator is simple and elegant. The sleek design of the radiator makes it a suberb addition to your home.
Height: 750mm / 750mm / 1150mm / 1150mm / 1500mm / 1500mm / 1800mm / 1800mm
Width: 450mm / 600mm / 450mm / 600mm / 450mm / 600mm / 450mm / 600mm
Depth: 50mm
Heating Efficiency BTU: 1.171 / 1.608 / 1.786 / 2.451 / 2.287 / 3.141 / 2.864 / 3.755
Heating Efficiency Watts: 343 / 471 / 523 / 718 / 670 / 920 / 839 / 1.100
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