View By:PriceName
Basin Mixer Tap TDY007
Creavit Ducky Ficus Basin Faucet
Flova Allore Basin Mixer With
Flova Annecy Basin Mixer With
Flova Annecy Glass Shelf Basin
Flova Cascade Basin Mixer With
Flova Cascade Mid Height Basin
Flova Dekka Mono Basin Mixer
Flova Dekka Single Lever Basin
Flova Dekka Single Lever Medium
Flova Essence Basin Mixer with
Flova Essence Cloakroom Basin Mixer
Flova Essence Medium Side Lever
Flova Levo Basin Mixer With
Flova Levo Cloakroom Basin Mixer
Flova Levo Small Basin Mixer
Flova Smart Basin Mixer With
Flova Smart Cloakroom Basin Mixer
Flova Smart Mid Height Basin
Flova STR8 Basin Mixer STBAS
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All prices on our website include V.A.T. (20%), unless stated otherwise.
Company registration number 04385962 registered office is Unit 1 33 Parker Drive, Leicester, LE4 0JP | Email: sales@bakerandsoars.com
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