Hunter Multikwik Bent Pan Connector 97 Degree Bend Spigot MKB21
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Hunter Multikwik Bent Pan Connector 97 Degree Bend Spigot MKB21

Hunter Multikwik Bent Pan Connector 97 Degree Bend Spigot MKB21

Manufactured from EVA, the Hunter Multikwik Bent Pan Connector 97 Degree Bend Spigot conforms to BS5503 and BS5504 making it a pleasant choice for old BS1213 toilet pans. This pan connector can tolerate movement and WC load bearing pressures for that easy installation on the next plumbing job.
- Offers good gripping quality to help ensure a firm watertight connection
-Supplied with a sachet of lubricant
-Multi-depth fins made from a high-quality thermoplastic elastomer which are ideal for enduring performance and to provide tolerance on connection to pipe
- Suitable for domestic repair, maintenance and improvement work
-Ideal for usage in limited spaces

Was: £25.00

Quick Reference: 9937

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