Looking for a simple and convenient way to restore your basin taps? Consider this simple and easy-to-install Mayfair Traditional Tap Reviver kit for more classic-looking taps. Quick and easy, this kit is a perfect way to revive taps in need of an update. Quick reference: 9091
Mayfair Standard Basin Tap Reviver Kit ACC001
Our price: £15.00
Mayfair Lever Basin Tap Reviver Kit ACC002
Our price: £7.95
Brand Lines
Mayfair Dream Mono Basin Mixer Waterfall DRM009
Our price: £221.04
Mayfair Dream Bath Filler DRM005
Our price: £219.14
Mayfair Dream Bath Shower Mixer DRM007
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Mayfair Dream 4 Hole Bath Filler DRM047
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Mayfair Blox Bath Filler BLX005
Our price: £240.67
Mayfair Blox Bath Shower Mixer BLX007
Our price: £295.42
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