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Carron Monarch Corner Bath 1300mm x 1300mm

Carron Monarch Corner Bath 1300mm x 1300mm
Carron Monarch Corner Bath 1300mm x 1300mm
Carron Monarch Corner Bath 1300mm x 1300mm
Carron Monarch Corner Bath 1300mm x 1300mm
Carron Monarch Corner Bath 1300mm x 1300mm
Carron Monarch Corner Bath 1300mm x 1300mm
Carron Monarch Corner Bath 1300mm x 1300mm
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Carron Monarch Corner Bath 1300mm x 1300mm Product View 3
Carron Monarch Corner Bath 1300mm x 1300mm Product View 4
Carron Monarch Corner Bath 1300mm x 1300mm Product View 5
Carron Monarch Corner Bath 1300mm x 1300mm Product View 6
Carron Monarch Corner Bath 1300mm x 1300mm Product View 7

Installed with minimum effort, thisCarron Monarch Corner Bath is the perfect addition to your bathroom. This fantastic bath comes in 205 litres capacity and is patiently waiting for your relaxation.
If strength is what you are after, then carronite baths are the way to go. These baths are much stronger than standard baths and they have the ability to retain heat for a longer period of time.

- Carronite bath comes with a 30-year guarantee
- 5mm Standard bath comes with a 20-year guarantee
- Front and end panels available as standard/carronite
- Whirlpool feature
- Made in Britain
- High-quality heat retention
- Durable and strong
- Optional waste available (code: WA96)
- Capacity: 235L

- Length: 1300mm
- Width: 1300mm
- Depth: 400mm
- Height: 540mm

Carron Bathrooms have held the vanguard of design and manufacturing excellence for many years, with each Carron bath designed, manufactured and hand-finished in Britain. Being at the forefront of premium bath design, they have established a quality reputation without losing sight of pristine quality and craftsmanship.





Product Attributes

Corner Panel:




Quick Reference: 2497

Going for Carronite?

Carronite is a unique, patented manufacturing process, coined by Carron. They are so confident in the strength and quality of Carronite that they offer a 30-year manufacturer's warranty.

Carronite uses a triple layer reinforcement process which requires the bath to be fitted with a unique frame support system, adding to the durability of the bath.

Features include:

- Heat retention for approximately 30 minutes longer than a standard acrylic bath

- High strength capacity, with standard acrylic baths bending more than Carronite baths

- The unique support system for the extra weight gives the Carronite bath extra rigidity and strength

Standard: Q4-02236

Carronite: Q4-02237


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