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Apollo Ferrara Stone Designer Radiator

Apollo Ferrara Stone Designer Radiator
Apollo Ferrara Stone Designer Radiator
Apollo Ferrara Stone Designer Radiator
Apollo Ferrara Stone Designer Radiator
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Our Price


Spectacular in design, this Apollo Ferrara Stone would be a fantastic addition to your home. Sleek and trendy are the characteristics of this superb looking stainless steel radiator. Made to look like a natural stone on the front panel, you'll get the beauty of the outdoors in your home. Like a rock on a warm day, you'll walk past this and stop in your tracks to admire the warmth.

Height: 1220mm x (width) 500mm

Sections: 6

Output T50°C Watts: 906

Output T50°C BTU: 3091

Back wall to front of rad: 85mm

Back wall to pipe centres: 25mm

Distance between tappings: (No. sections x 60mm) - 10mm (vertical) / Width of rad less 70mm (horizontal)

10 year guarantee

Quick Reference: 2157


Product Attributes



All prices on our website include V.A.T. (20%), unless stated otherwise.

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