Quality Tools with Nerrad Tools
Still haven’t heard of Nerrad Tools? You’re one of a few. Nerrad Tools is the brand for professionals and DIY enthusiasts alike. Take some quality materials, new and improved designs and a lick of red and you’ve got yourself a recipe for greatness. So what’s greatness like against a copper tube? There’s not even a competition for the Nerrad Tools Tube Cutters. Available in various sizes to suit your needs, these powerful pocket pals pack a punch when you need it most. Slice, cut and carve your way through unwieldy pipe with Nerrad Tools!
Click here to see our full Tube Cutter selection of Nerrad Tools
Tube cutters just not cutting it for you? Need some torque? Some twisting, turning, bolt tightening action? The Nerrad Tools range of wrenches might be for you. Whether your job is big, small or just plain awkward, you can find the wrench that suits your needs here at Baker and Soars. With a wide array of sizes and useful applications, such as bilateral wrenches with a torque increasing design to give you more power for less. Perhaps a multi angle wrench to get to those hard to reach spaces or even a light duty super wide aluminium wrench for those big little jobs.
Click here to see our full Wrench selection of Nerrad Tools
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